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Learn how to do it yourself.

New livingroom layout (pt 2)


Last Thursday I blogged about our new livingroom layout (read it HERE) but I only showed you one side so I thought I’d share the other side with you today. I wanted to make some changes before I showed you, everything had to be right first. It always takes some small adjustments, to fill out the right corners, etcetera.


I’m writing this while sitting on our dining table in it’s new spot, and I really love the light that fills the room from outside. It’s a cozy spot, here in our bay window.


Our “Urban Jungle” moved to this place, and I’m so proud of my African Hemp (Kamerlinde in NL). When I bought it everyone was telling me what a difficult plant it was, and look how it’s growing. Yay me!



I will always encourage you to try and change your livingroom as well. You might be surprised at the result!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

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